Contact Us Please first select your enquiry type, and send us a message via the form. What does your enquiry relate to? General enquiryAdvertisingClassifiedsEditorial [group group-advert-area] For all print display and digital inquiries; Contact: Advertising Manager Phone: (03) 5820 3187 Email: [email protected] [/group] [group group-edit-area] For all print display and digital inquiries; Contact: Editor Phone: (03) 5820 3227 Email: [email protected] [/group] [group group-class-area] For all classified advertising, including birth notices, cars for sale, public notices and more; Phone: 1300 660 886 Email: [email protected] [/group] [group group-accounts-area] Contact: Admin team Phone: (03) 5831 2312 [/group] [group group-your-details] Name: Contact Number: Email address: Message: [/group] Direct contact points Head office Kyabram Free Press 198 Allan St, Kyabram, VIC, 3620 Phone: (03) 5852 1533 Fax: (03) 5852 3102 Newspaper subscriptions Phone: 1300 834 619